With your help

We can transform communities and change the overall perception and approach to everyday life for the marginalised

Ensuring the future is bright

In order to achieve this we aim to be a catalyst for transformation for youth and women at different levels of the value chain through enabling innovative methods, especially, in agribusiness , mining and health delivery systems. Thereby improving competitive-ness on their enterprises and greater opportunity, skills and confidence in youth and women.


There's no limit to the impact we could make

Our ambition is to challenge members of community to unleash their potential and become agents for socio-economic transformation for the greater good of communities and the nation as a whole

0 Women Empowered
0 Children Loved
0 Total donation
0 Volunteers

Our Key Focus

Below are areas we focus our attention on in order to add entrepreneurial value addition

Become a Volunteer

They say it takes a village to raise a child, we at TPZ Foundation believe it take more than a village. Volunteer with us and help us make a generational impact in the communities we are invested in making change

From the Journal

Keep up with activities and initiatives undertaken by the TPZ foundation